Конфиденциальность арбитража: правда сокрыта завесою тайны?

Р.В. Малинская,

старший юрист практики

по разрешению споров Goltsblat BLP LLP,


Д.К. Сахно,

LL.M., FCIArb, младший юрист практики по разрешению споров Goltsblat BLP LLP


The article is dedicated to one of the key principles of international commercial arbitra­tion — confidentiality. In their article the authors analyze such aspects of confidentiality as historical development of the principle in a number of countries; its application to various participants of international commercial arbitration (parties and their representatives, arbi­trators, witnesses, experts, etc.) and to different types of information (submissions of the par­ties, experts’ opinions, witness statements); liability for breaching the principle and duty of confidentiality. Finally, special attention is paid to the prospective developments of the named principle in the course of upcoming changes in the Russian legislation on commercial arbitra­tion.